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H.D. Chopper Stalker
Here is our newest piece of equipment for
The H.D. Chopper is our heavy duty model, this machine will eliminate the need to make multiple passes in your heaviest stalks. Additional videos can be seen on the Additional Equipment tab.
Do you have a special need?
Give us a call and we can build the correct machine for your needs. 806-983-5626.
Home of the
Row Stalker ®
One pass incorporation of cover crop and Fall fertilizer gets you out of the field until Spring.
Solutions for fewer trips providing a
sustainable future
First plant your fields; then build your barn. Prov 24:27
Products and services
We offer Strip Till with The Row Stripper™.
Our self aligning Chopper Stalker® breaks down residue while maintaining planting bed shape.
Row Stalker ® Removes shredded stalks at field speeds of 8 to 10 MPH, thus saving both time and fuel.
The Chopper2 no doubt will chop anything that comes in its path.
Disc Bedders/Hippers Our rugged design is built to withstand even the toughest of conditions!
**HD Chopper Stalker** New Heavy Duty chopper will take down, clean up and have your field ready to plant in one pass!
About us
Since 1990, D.L. Industries, Inc., has been owned and operated by one owner. We manufacturer each machine to your specifications and needs.
Each piece of equipment was designed and built by a farmer for farmers.
Proudly built in the U.S.A.